Friday 31 October 2014

How To Halloween

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This is the start of my favorite time of year! So many fun holidays all one after the other, it's such an exciting few months.

There are, of course, many differences between life in the USA and life in the UK. One of those differences is how people celebrate Halloween. Americans do everything bigger and better, and this holiday is no exception! In America, old derelict shops are given new life as haunted houses and Halloween emporiums. In the UK, we get an aisle of everything Halloween. In America there are parades, costume parties, and trick-or-treaters clog residential streets. Here in the UK, not one masked child knocked on my door last year. In the UK, a few people put out a wreath and possibly a carved pumpkin or two. In the US, yards and homes are decked out to the max - sometimes more so than at Christmas.

Image from here
Image from here

Here in England, however, you get this.

You call that a LARGE pumpkin? It's just a baby!! 

So how do I celebrated a beloved holiday in a country that, quite simply, isn't that bothered? Generally, on my own. But that doesn't mean that it needs to be any less fun!

How to Set The Mood

My husband and I subscribe to Spotify, and we love it! We pay a low monthly fee and get access to as much music as we want - no ads ! There is a free version with ads, for those that don't want to pay. Not all songs are available, but there is plenty of choice. Even better - you can download the songs to your device and listen offline. One great feature is that you can make different playlists for different occasions. So, off I went to create a Halloween playlist to get me in the mood! 

Here are a few tracks:


Nothing says Halloween quite like a severed hand hanging from your window, amiright? No?

Image Credit

Halloween decorations don't have to be bloody and scary - there are plenty of cute options out there. 

So adorable, it's SCARY! 

You may remember my witch pumpkin from last week's pumpkin carving post. Although it's hard to see, the candle is Candy Corn from Yankee Candle. And the candy bowl is just a plain glass mixing bowl with some Halloween tinsel and delightful little LED ghost lights that I got from The Factory Shop.

Ooooh, spooky bat! 

They make me irrationally happy.


What's Halloween without sugary goodness? Just another day, that's what! So grab some of your favorite confectionery and lay out your eerie spread.

Oh, and maybe save a few piece of candy for Trick-or-Treaters? Maybe.

I want it all!

If anything can make chocolate better, making it Halloween themed can.


Now that you've set the mood with music and decor and set up your sweet tooth, the party can begin! Well, as much of a party as you can have when you work in the morning. Flip on some kind of Halloween movie or show. I'm way too wimpy for horror films, so I've opted for something much less terrifying.

The Siiiiiiiimpsoooooooooons.

You sang the theme tune, didn't you? 

How do you celebrate Halloween? 

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